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Developing an Accessibility Assessment Index for the Mobility Handicapped Using the Public Transportation of Seoul:A Focus on Metro Stations

Sinhae LeeㆍChungHan Ryu

The purpose of this study is to establish the mid-to-long-term plan for conducting an accessibility assessment to help the mobility handicapped in Seoul and to develop accessibility assessment indexes for the metro system and stations (including the area within a 500 meter radius). In this paper, we surveyed 50 key stakeholders who are mobility handicapped, resulting in the collection of 1,238 1st idea statements. By integrating the idea statements generated from previous studies related to accessibility for the mobility handicapped and the relevant certification index with these 1st idea statements, a total of 2,518 2nd idea statements were derived. After synthesizing and editing, the final statements were reduced to 65 items. 9 participants from a group of experts classified the final statements by similarity. 48 out of 50 participants who were in the focus group interviews rated the importance, measurability and urgency of the statements by priority. Classifications based on the similarity resulted in clustered statements, these were considered as the preliminary assessment indexes. Perception differences by type of mobility handicap and priority as well as the core contents of the assessment dimensions were identified through analysing the rated statements. As a result, a total 26 accessibility assessment indexes for Seoul metro and stations (including the area within a 500 meter radius) were derived, they consist of 7 assessment dimensions as follows: ‘Connection to exterior space’, ‘Convenience in interior space’, ‘Usefulness of interior service facility’ ‘Availability of facilities such as restroom and feeding room’, ‘Efficiency of information’, ‘Suitability of mobility aid system’, ‘Mobility safety.’ At the same time, a priority list of 32 items for improving the accessibility for the mobility handicapped using the Seoul metro was confirmed. The Seoul Metropolitan government should develop an evaluation manual based on the 26 assessment indexes with 7 dimensions and detailed assessment indexes according to the type of mobility handicap. This manual will help evaluate the Seoul metro’s accessibility level for the mobility handicapped in the field. To achieve a gradual improvement in Seoul metro’s accessibility for the mobility handicapped, the government should set strategies based on the 32 priority list.