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Indicators for Traffic Management in Green Transport Areas

Gyeong-sang YooㆍYoungjun HanㆍSangmi Jeong

The purpose of this study was to select appropriate traffic management indicators for green transport areas, and propose achievement goals for the indicator.
For this study, the transportation status and condition of the green transport area were analysed by utilizing vehicle enrolment data acquired from the vehicle plate detection system and the vehicle speed data obtained by processing taxi DTG(Digital Taco Graph). We also estimated the total amount of vehicle traffic in the green transport area using these data and analysed the performance of the road network using the MFD(Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram) model.
To set the indicators for traffic management in green transport areas, the sustainability indicators presented by MOLIT(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) and the indicators presented in the Special Comprehensive Policies of Seoul were reviewed in detail. Based on this, using the 'average vehicle speed' of the road network in consideration of continuity, independence, transferability, and ease of calculation was proposed.
The target level of the traffic management indicator was set to 20km/h - 25km/h, considering the environment, safety, and social costs. In this target, the maximum vehicle passage and entry traffic volume capable of accommodation by the road network were presented. In addition, the recovery of the road network was also diagnosed using the average target vehicle speed.