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Location Analysis of Shared Offices and Tenant Firms in Seoul

Sun-Wung Kim, Nam-Jong Jang, Eunjoo Oh, Gain Lee, Kyung-In Choi

Since the 21st Century, the number of shared offices has increased rapidly in many cities of the world, along with the appearance of sharing economy. Since the expansion of shared offices has occurred recently in Seoul, the exact numbers and locational behavior of shared offices are not identified to understand the reality.
In this study, interviews were performed with representatives and service managers of shared offices. Also, the survey was fulfilled with the representative managers of the tenant firms. The questions on the representatives dealt with the number and years of branch offices, members of tenant firms, their strong points, their future plans, etc. The information on the survey of tenant offices such as the reason for the choice of this firm, the types of office size, future plan, etc. was also required.
It was observed that the city’s role is too early to make a decision about its involvement in the private market, due to the existing controversial reasoning. It is recommended to improve the operation of public administrative service in better locations in metropolitan sub-regions, to share the information of the city’s investor network system with the private, and to improve the official registration system of the firm in the government organization.