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The Seoul Guidebook for Regular Organizational Diagnosis

Gui-Young KimㆍMin-Chul ShinㆍMin-Sup HwangㆍChan-Seob Oh



Purpose of this Guidebook


Organizational diagnosis is a holistic process of detecting problems and providing solution to different organizations. As organizational diagnosis involves complex stages of collecting extensive amount of data, analyzing them and synthesizing them into potential solutions, it is important to have a capable assessment agent.


It has therefore been acknowledged as common and natural to appoint an experienced external agent to perform diagnoses and suggest amendments on behalf of a diagnosed organization. Such professional agent may be expert in assessing and solving an organization’s problems. cost and time-wise, the expertise is rather prone to being outweighed by shortcomings including, but not limited to, conflicts among members within an organization.


Thus, this guidebook proposes alternative: public organizations carry out internal organizational diagnoses that may serve as not only solution-finding process but also an important stage building organizational capacity.


At the core of regular (internal) organizational diagnosis is manager’s routine examination his or her organization, through monitoring and analyzing numerous representative indicators. The Seoul Guidebook for Regular Organizational Diagnosis describes a complete set of procedures intended managers and street-level bureaucrats, and it is to be comprehensible and utilitarian during daily management processes.


Structure of the Guidebook


The Seoul Guidebook for Regular Organizational Diagnosis consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 covers the definition of regular organizational diagnosis and its comparison to strategic organizational diagnosis. Chapter 2 a full description of five-stage diagnosis procedures. Chapter 3 complements preceding chapters by providing practical resources on how to interpret and apply diagnosis results in the context of organizational management.



How to use this Guidebook


Potential readers of this guidebook are expected to follow, without great difficult, the five-stage procedures step-by-step when conducting organizational diagnosis on a regular basis. However, managers are encouraged to consult external experts on limited terms, when limited in capability for annual data analysis.


A suggested set of potential indicators and data may guide managers to determine which data may be appropriate at the moment. Then consistency is crucial in monitoring and collecting various data for different indicators. It is thus highly recommended a proper department ensure intra-department cooperation that is essential achieving systematic accumulation of data.


01 What is regular organizational diagnosis?
5_Comparison with strategic organizational diagnosis
6_Agents of diagnoses
02 Procedures of regular organizational diagnosis
1_Organizational management analysis
2_Organizational environment analysis
3_Organizational forecasting analysis
4_Organizational balanced analysis
5_Comprehensive diagnosis
03 Application of diagnosis results
1_Staffing and organizational restructuring
2_Regular organizational diagnosis reports
3_Revision of the manual
4_Data accumulation and management