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Seoul Youth Policy Vision and Strategy 2025

Geum-Sun ByunㆍSeung-Yun KimㆍMin-Jin ParkㆍHye-Rim Lee

This study aim to suggest a new vision and strategy of Seoul Youth Policy for 2025, which will be the foundation of the five-year scheme 「2025 Seoul Youth Master Plan」. First, we examine the impact of socio-economic changes in the past five years on the livelihoods of youth in Seoul. Lots of youth in Seoul have faced with bad job market situation, labor market instability, increased social inequality and higher risk of poverty associated with health issue. It turns out that as more and more youth moved to metropolitan area, they also suffered from housing problem which leads to difficulties to lead an independent life. 
In the current COVID-19 pandemic, young people are one of the worst-affected group, therefore social support is even more vital to protect youth who are already at a higher economic and social risk.
By collecting expert advices and conducting ‘Youth Demand Survey’, under the vision of the “Future Seoul, Autonomous Young Citizen”, this report suggest 5 policy areas including ‘work’, ‘equal opportunity’, ‘housing’, ‘future for next generation’, ‘participation’. According to this 5 policy areas framework, we derive 8 policy agenda-31 detailed policies including newly proposed ‘job guarantee’, ‘safe housing scheme’, and ‘youth mental health care project’. At a conclusion this report highlight the importance of the policy implement systems by proposing building policy delivery system and youth infrastructure as well as strengthening youth policy governance.