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Implementing Strategies for Seoul’s Green New Deal in Response to Climate Crisis

Jung-Min YuㆍKoUn KimㆍSeoyeon YoonㆍJaeuk Juㆍ Jeong-Ah KimㆍSuhan Ham

Amid climate crisis, stagnated economic growth, social inequity, and economic depression by COVID-19, Green New Deal(GND) is being actively promoted in a number of local and central governments. GND needs to be implemented with a framework of sustainable development. Primary objective of GND is transforming current cabon-dependent infrastructure. Regarding the economic development, growth-oriented economic system needs to shift to a more inclusive and circular one. In terms of social equity, ‘just transition’ needs to sought for as an important component of GND. In implementing GND policy, the role of public sphere, particularly local government and communities is important.

Seoul initiated GND in 2020 with an aim of 2050 carbon neutrality and made a implementation plan in 2021, which includes projects and policies with targets by key five sectors. This study identifies the issues and barriers of each projects and proposes a reform policies.