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Employment Structure and Job Change Analysis in Seoul

Jinha KimㆍMin young Hwang
Economy/ Administrative·Financial Affairs

The purpose of this study was to determine changes and characteristics of employment structure of Seoul. Job structure and personality changes in Seoul were also determined by measuring job changes of companies or businesses. Among services in Seoul, wholesale and retail and food lodging businesses are solving much of their employment. However, the proportion of small businesses is large. Both production and employment can be hit by the same crisis such as COVID-19.
Job fluctuation is not just the number of jobs, but the change in actual individual jobs. As a result of analyzing changes in jobs in Seoul, the average job creation rate of all businesses between 2017 and 2022 was 16.94% and the job extension rate was 13.39%, which was about 3.5%. Both the entire business and sustainable business fell sharply in 2020. The growth rate of net work was restored in 2021-2022. This was due to a decrease in job extinction rate rather than an increase in job creation rate. In addition, in Seoul, job creation through entry business and job extinction through exit business are in charge of the market. Among all industries in Seoul, the information and communication industry has the highest growth rate whereas public administration, defense, and social security administration have the lowest growth rates. Among service industries, transportation, warehouses, accommodations, restaurants, information and communication, professional, science, technology services, education, health and social welfare, arts, sports, and leisure services have been created.
When planning a business support policy, the industry that plays a real role in job creation should be selected by comparing the growth rate of net work by industry. The service industry increases the trend of pure work, which requires establishment and execution of policies that can actively induce job creation and strengthen competitiveness. The information and communication industry (software development and supply business) and professional science and technology service (professional service industry), including the 4th Industrial Revolution leading industry in Seoul, seek to operate the funding and technical support system so that new businesses can support the entry of new businesses, which is needed. On the other hand, small and medium-sized companies tend to have high job creation and high job extensions. Rather than unifying the support of small and medium-sized businesses, a differentiated job creation policy that meets characteristics of each industry and business is required. While creation and extinction are very active as they occupy a large portion of the Seoul industry, the growth rate of pure work is high. The lodging store business is fully considered that job expansion can be filled with bad jobs in terms of employment quality. Instead, business support and rental service industry need to strengthen sustainability to prevent extinction rather than providing entrance support such as start–ups.