Date 28.01.2022Views: 11
Disease and economic burden of environmental diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis still shows increasing trend. Onset or...
Date 21.01.2022Views: 12
To reduce and mitigate the concentration of PM2.5 in wintertime, “Fine particular matter management season” is carried out annually with additional emission...
Date 14.01.2022Views: 27
Due to economic advancement and a rise in women's social advancement, the frequency of convenience foods and eating out has increased while pursuing...
Date 31.12.2021Views: 50
This study summarizes the issues of social costs which have been discussed in the economic analysis of Seoul investment projects by topic and suggests social...
Date 31.12.2021Views: 42
Traditional efforts to reduce poverty have mainly focused on the lack of financial resources among the elderly and children who has restricted capabilities of...
Date 24.12.2021Views: 44
There are several types of emergency shelters in Seoul including civil defense evacuation facilities, temporary shelters for victims, outdoor evacuation places...
Date 24.12.2021Views: 20
The majority of foreign workers who are simple-skilled workers in Seoul are Korean-Chinese immigrants. In the case of Seoul, there is a trend where the number...
Date 14.12.2021Views: 38
Household consumption is determined by income and assets. People expect their future income to increase as asset value increases, which is turn results in...
Date 10.12.2021Views: 113
Although the number of homeless people in Seoul is gradually decreasing, there are still problems with the revolving door phenomenon that repeats entering and...
Date 10.12.2021Views: 34
Our purpose in this research is to evaluate Seoul’s energy-transition policy for the last nine years and to suggest some policy-improving measures. Given the...
Displaying 151 - 160 of 523 publications