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Autonomous Vehicle Service Strategies in Seoul

Youngjun HanㆍSehyun Park

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are expected to innovate urban transportation system as well as creating huge economic effects on a global level. Leading companies such as Google and Tesla are investing heavily on AV technologies to dominate future AV markets, and many countries including US and EU are supporting the firms by improving legal systems and providing test-sites. However, uncertainty of AV technologies, especially for ‘Full Driving Automation (Level 5)’, is increasing recently, which requires new role of public sectors to support the AV technologies.

Thus, this research aims to develop proper strategies for AV service in Seoul. To this end, firstly, this research identifies current status of AV technologies, and investigates AV related polices for other countries. Survey among Seoul citizens is also conducted to understand preference and concerns for AV technologies and service. Based on these works, this research suggests four directions to develope AV strategies in Seoul.

Firstly, operation design domain (ODD) for AVs in Seoul should be evaluated and improved systematically. This research derives specific road factors to limit AV operation by surveying AV companies, and finds the limited ODDs could be identified with dynamic characteristics with traffic conditions. 

In addition, the manned service using AVs should focus on expanding accessibility rather than mobility with high speed, and minimizing conflict between other vehicles driven by humans. In this sense, this research proposes AV service on large park areas and separated bus lane at late-night.

For unmanned AV service such as delivery robot, on the other hand, the technology of AVs might not an issue but the legal system for AVs should be improved to define the new mode on the road. Space provision is also required for the unmanned AV service.

Lastly, based on the citizens opinion, the test site in Seoul should be expanded gradually. The available areas are quite limited currently, but they could be expanded along with the development of AV technologies and improvement of ODDs.