Rational Improvement of Public Commission System for Collaborative Governance in Seoul
Submitted by siadmin on Thu, 07/11/2019 - 14:28In the fifth and sixth presidential elections, various projects have been carried out through private consultation, but the demand for improvements in the system has persisted. As cooperation and social value-oriented offices are expanding, the existing professionalism and performance-oriented private entrusted systems are leading to a lot of discord in the field. Through a careful examination of the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s civilian consignment system, this study aims to devise a way to improve the system at the point of collaborative governance.
The four major system improvement tasks for improving the public-private partnership were identified through surveys and meetings. First, the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s private entrusted system must be prepared for a new paradigm as the administrative environment changes. Second, it is necessary to improve the relationship between the trustees as well as strengthen the autonomy of operations. Third, unreasonable institutional procedures and standards need to be restructured. Fourth, the government needs to reestablish itself as an open and democratic system of private-sector entrusted operations.
Through this study, five major measures have been designed to address these challenges: introducing a cooperative “innovative private entrusted operational model”, improving the quality of the unreasonable private entrusted system, improving the review process and evaluation system of private entrusted services, establishing governance for democratic private entrusted operations, and establishing a trust-based integrated consignment management system.