Greetings from the Seoul Institute,
Asian megacities embark on this transitional period; we face a vast array of challenges. Dilapidated slums, stagnant transportation, the deteriorating environment, and uncontrollable urbanization along with poverty, overwhelming social injustices, and the weight of daily anxieties are the new challenges that we must confront. As Asian megacities, we are tasked with the responsibility of finding the remedies to these issues. Our goal is to stimulate economic growth by promoting job creation. Discovering these answers will be the most vital step in passing through this transitional period.
In the past, urban success was measured by individual cities and their ability to manage themselves, however, in our new global economy, urban success is measured by our understanding of the interdependency between Asian megacities while at the same time cultivating our own unique urban strategies. That is why we expect think tank networks like MeTTA will play a crucial role in developing progressive and innovative solutions.
Amidst the devastation of the Korean War, Seoul began a season of rapid urbanization, the city government provided infrastructure and housing at a substantial rate. This was considered successful in the eyes of global stage. The successful policies of Seoul were inspiration for other developing cities.
More than 20 years of comprehensive researches by the Seoul Institute have contributed to the success of Seoul being a globally recognized megacity. One of our major goals will be to build international think tank network.
We, at the Seoul Institute and a member of MeTTA will
First, establish a brand new vision and creative solutions for Asian megacities utilizing our resources of professionals, experts, scholars of MeTTA;
Second, listen to other members and collaborate in a respectful and mutually beneficial manner;
Third, aim to manage MeTTA in efficient manner at the same time, increase our membership to broaden our influence and knowledge pool.
It is our hope that MeTTA will be a beacon of mutual assistance and encouragement.
Thank you.