Date 21.12.2022Views: 9
Unlike the previous economic shocks, the economic crisis caused by COVID-19 simultaneously globally as a result of the simultaneous contraction of supply and...
Date 21.12.2022Views: 5
‘The Seoul Youth Activity Support’ which is launched 2016 is a very unique cash transfer program supporting youth transition to employment. It is consist of...
Date 06.12.2022Views: 7
This study analyzes the impact of COVID-19 on self-employed businesses in Seoul. From January 2020 to May 2022, 35.7% of Seoul citizen was infected with COVID-...
Date 28.11.2022Views: 62
The Seoul Public Investment Management Service is continuously researching ways to estimate the demand for public parking lots. However, estimating resident...
Date 22.11.2022Views: 38
The population of North Korean refugees living in Seoul is the largest among metropolitan cities and the second largest among upper-level local autonomies (...
Date 15.11.2022Views: 31
As social distance policies are conducted globally because of the Corona pandemic, social services that support citizens’ living have been temporarily...
Date 15.11.2022Views: 25
Most of the PPP (Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure) projects in Seoul are large-scale such as urban railroads, roads, tunnels, parking lots, and...
Date 01.11.2022Views: 28
Environmental health indicators are developed to provide information related to environmental pollution and health, which requires continuous construction...
Date 26.10.2022Views: 27
In Korea, the working-age population was declining in 2016, and the decline is expected to accelerate beginning in 2020. The decrease in the working-age...
Date 17.10.2022Views: 27
The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the second stage fiscal decentralization policy on the finances of the Seoul. In addition, based on the...
Displaying 91 - 100 of 516 publications